
How to download and install Mcafee Activate Mobile Security for Android ?

Download and install the latest version of Mobile Security from the Google Play Store (also Called Android Market/Play Store):

  • Open and Harness up the Google Play program in your own Device.
  • Seek out Mcafee Com Activate, also set up Mcafee Mobile Security
  • Once the setup is complete:
  • Open the Mcafee Mobile Security program.
  • Click Find Device or back-up .
  • Sort the current email you would like to enroll with McAfee.
  • Harness Next. About the next display:
  • Create an accounts Create your 6-digit PIN Harness Goto the main menu.
  • Harness the ring comprising a few that you view at the top right of this *screen.
  • Select Establish your security question, then key from the 6-digit PIN *that you just created. Select just two questions, provide two relevant responses, and following that, tap Save.
  • Harness Publish disable confidence, tap Activate, tap End.

Android Device without a Google Play Store program 

  • Click Settings, Security, also choose Not Known sources.
  • From the browser onto your own device, head to www.mcafee.com/activate. Your application is automatically found.
  • Once the Do not have a program store in your own Device? Get your program here message appears, tap on the word here.
  • The program downloads to your Device (as an instance, you see something very similar to ws_25_4.4.0.467. Apk from the Downloads space of one's Device ). 
  • Harness the program name to set up the application form. 
  • Once the setup is complete:
  • Open the Mc-afee Mobile Security program.
  • Click Find Device or back-up .
  • Sort the email address you would like to enroll with McAfee.
  • Harness Next.
  • About the next display
  • Create an accounts .
  • Make your 6-digit PIN.
  • Harness Goto the main menu.
  • Harness the orange ring comprising a few that you view towards the very top from this screen.
  • Select Establish your security question, also key at the 6-digit PIN that you just created.
  • Select just two different questions, provide two important replies, then tap on Conserve .
  • Harness Activate uninstall security , tap Activate, tap End .
  • In Case You Have previously Bought the program, follow the directions to install it on your device:
  • Sign into to mcafee.com/activate.
  • Click My Account, then click on the and (+) tab to bring a tool:
  • Once setup, start the McAfee Mobile Security program.
  • When prompted, make a 6-digit PIN.
  • Harness Goto the main menu. You've successfully installed McAfee Mobile Security applications on your own Device.
  • Harness the ring comprising a few that you view towards the very top from this screen, select Establish your security dilemma, in the time input the 6-digit PIN which you've made.
  • Select just two different questions, provide two important replies, then tap on Conserve .
  • Harness Publish disable security tap Activate, in there, tap End.

    NOTE: After tripping uninstall Protection, it won't be possible to uninstall Mobile Security from the Device without entering the 6-digit PIN. It's imperative that you place your security questions that will allow one to reset your 6-digit PIN later on. This could be accomplished even though your device doesn't need an active online connection.

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    To get additional aid or subtleties, customers will need to Contact Mcafee Activate. The group can provide the essential data and replies for your own matter; you could go over this problem another issue you're facing while at exactly the exact same time becoming into the mc-afee item.